Monthly Archives:April 2020
Let’s Make Some Paul Bunyan Pancakes!!
Good morning, fellas!! It’s another great FUNtastic Friday here at Camp Quarantine. As you all know, no one does pancakes better than we do at Towering Pines on Paul Bunyan Day!! So we figured why not bring Paul Bunyan pancakes right to you in your very own home during Camp Quarantine?!! IT’S PANCAKE TIME!!! We have included an awesome video with none other than, can we have a DRUMROLL please . . . . . Drinka!! Watch Drinka’s […]
Let’s play some TP Bingo, fellas!!
Good morning, fellas!! We are all navigating some interesting and strange times, but no one does interesting and strange like camp, right?? With that in mind we give you the first of many virtual camp events that can earn you things like double canteen, TP Dollars, or maybe even some TP swag. TP BINGO!!! Attached is a TP Bingo card for you to fill out as much as you can. Print it, screen shot it, save the image, however you […]