Category: Where I Thrive in 1-5

Happy Spring from Cabins 8 and 5!

Posted by on May 15, 2016

Cabin 8 and Little Bunny Foo-Foo Best Moments: Cabin 8 Most proud: Caden: winning the “weirdest” camper of the week Seth: winning cabin clean-up Iker: surviving 6th period soccer and playing against Red Arrow George: I am better at archery this year Alec: being part of barn crew and senior horse show Alex: improving in tennis and riflery Pedro: winning cabin clean-up Sebas: playing soccer with my best friends Best thing that happened to me at camp: Caden: being “king […]

Adventures that Last

What is the measure of a really good adventure? We all have a lot of great memories from camp and maybe some not-so-great ones. So, how do you know you’ve really had a proper adventure? Maybe you remember it forever or maybe it shaped you in some meaningful way. Maybe it just leaves a feeling behind, even if you can’t remember the particulars. A worthwhile adventure should do all these things; but, above all, it should challenge you. We resurrected […]

We’re Lucky Every Day at TP!

Posted by on March 20, 2016

We’re Lucky Every Day at TP! We are LUCKY to have such an awesome camp family – the campers, staff, alumni, and friends who make every summer a wonderful experience for all TP boys!  Thank you, Cabin 6 (2015), for sharing your best moments with us! Best thing that happened to me at camp: Jorge: earning “Chief of the Day” Pedro: sailing Ethan: TP Fair Alex A: passing my instructional swim and losing a tooth Louis: becoming a barn “rat” Bryce: getting a bullseye Alex E: […]

Dear Jeff,

Dear Jeff,  Ever since my son returned home from camp, he refuses to wear anything that isn’t TP green.  All he talks about is the fun he had at camp, stories about his cabin mates, and how many days there are until camp next summer.  He claims that he hears a bell ringing periodically throughout the day.  He spends hours looking at the online photos on the Towering Pines website.  He even makes his bed every morning and asks if he […]

Happy Spring from Winnebago!

Posted by on April 5, 2015

Happy Spring! It looks like “Little Bunny Foo-Foo” is making an appearance in the April photo (along with a real bunny from the TP Zoo)!  I couldn’t help but think about the words to the song that is acted out every year as a skit at various TP campfires throughout the summer and how those words play out at camp.  As the story goes in the song, Little Bunny Foo-Foo is hopping through the forest, scooping up field mice and bopping them […]