Monthly Archives:February 2020
Time Just Flies By . . . Cabin 11
I used to hear “old” people, who I realize were younger than I am now, say, “Time just flies by . . . “ Honestly, at the time, I couldn’t for the life of me figure out what they meant or why so many people said this very same thing over and over again. I was oblivious to the speed of the passage of time and how mind boggling it truly is. Well, now as an adult with three children […]
Want to Save the World??
I recently saw a YouTube video featuring an overnight camp director, Jason Smith, speaking at an event called “Ignite Lincoln 2019.” His topic was “Save the World, Send a Kid to Summer Camp.” When I saw the tagline, I was hooked!! In his opening statement Jason shared this, “The world would be a better place if it was easier to make the world a better place. I’ve got a simple way to do it, send a kid to overnight […]
Cabin 8 “hearts” camp!!!
We just celebrated one of our favorite camp holidays, “I Heart Camp Day!” It’s a day that reminds us of how fortunate we are to be able to share Camp Towering Pines for Boys with so many awesome young men and camp families. The reasons that we all “heart” camp are so numerous that often times it’s challenging to name only a few!! Whenever someone asks me, “Why do you love camp?”, I get this catch in my throat, pause […]