Monthly Archives:September 2017
Happy Back to School from Cabin 11!
I think it is safe to say that by now everyone is “back to school”! As much as we would like to stretch out summer as much as possible, somehow those lazy days quickly turn to carpools, backpacks, homework, extracurricular activities, and counting the days until camp begins once again! Throughout the upcoming year, each month will have a blog that is “sponsored” by a different Towering Pines cabin from the Summer of 2017. Each camper wrote his “best moments at camp”…here […]
Create Your Own Scene: Cabins 8, 11, and CIT’s
2017 was a summer where we CREATED OUR OWN SCENE! See what the campers from Cabins 8, 11, & CIT’s had to say: CABIN 8 Ethan: I got better at many things including swimming, TP players, and sailing Perry: TP Players Bryce: I was in TP Players, and I improved in sailing and archery Alex: doing well in TP Players Santiago: by being nice to others and caring about them Ray: I focused on Riflery and shot really well this […]
Create Your Own Scene: Cabins 6 & 7
2017 was a summer where we CREATED OUR OWN SCENE! See what the campers from Cabins 6 & 7 had to say: CABIN 6 Julian: being with my friends Pablo: having fun and having the right attitude Mitchell: adapting to camp Domenic: enjoying time with my cabin Henry: sticking to the activities I liked Matt: having fun Tanner: fulfilling the vespers song and reading books to my fellow campers Eli (CIT): I stayed active and got creative during my activities […]