Towering Pines Blog

Create Your Own Scene: Cabins 8, 11, and CIT’s

2017 was a summer where we CREATED OUR OWN SCENE! See what the campers from Cabins 8, 11, & CIT’s had to say:


Ethan: I got better at many things including swimming, TP players, and sailing

Perry: TP Players

Bryce: I was in TP Players, and I improved in sailing and archery

Alex: doing well in TP Players

Santiago: by being nice to others and caring about them

Ray: I focused on Riflery and shot really well this year

Jorge: by making my own decisions, being organized and making sure everybody is OK at camp

Marcos (CIT): with Co-Ed Show


Iker: being one of the best at tennis, soccer, riflery, and basketball

Luis: by making lots of friends and enjoying every day as much as I could

Julian: I did many things that made it fun at camp for me

Matt: by making new friends

Finn: I decided what I wanted to do every day and got to do those things

Neil: I tried to expand the things that I am good at

Rodrigo: by trying to have a lot of fun no matter what

Ben: by enjoying myself around camp and just having fun

Pedro (CIT): having fun, being with friends, and being a good example as a CIT

CABIN 12 (CIT’s)

James: I extended my friend group

Cristobal: by my activities

Alex: I lived every moment one step at a time

Alec: by enjoying the Co-Ed Show and crafts

Diego: by trying to be a good CIT so that I can be well prepared for being a counselor