Monthly Archives:June 2016
You Helped Me Fuel My Own Growth
Throughout the summer our Alumni will be blogging about Jeff’s Dad, Mr. John Jordan. Mr. Jordan will always be a legend in our hearts and you will find out why! JJ, Your family has changed many lives and over the course of 70 years, your family’s ideals have stood as strong as the towering pines that hover over the same pristine land. My parents saw the value in the richness of the camp’s roots the second you met them and 20 […]
The Ready Camp
The camp is ready now, waiting for the campers to arrive and breathe a little life into the place. Of course, some of us have been around long enough to witness the slow awakening of the grounds: from quiet and sleepy pre-pre-camp to the boisterous and busy pre-camp, to the arrival of campers on the first day of camp. We’ve been getting things in order for you all! The process of set-up is a little different every year, just like […]
Why This Camp??!!
Why this Camp? This is the most popular question I get this time of the year. Lee, why this camp? Why trek all of your kids from Virginia to Wisconsin to this camp? There are so many camps closer by to work at. My response is, it is not a “Jordan” Camp. These nearby camps did not give me my start in life – The Jordan Family did! Towering Pines Camp (TP) and Camp Woodland, gave me the skills that […]
Welcome (Back) Angie!
We are officially counting down the last 20 days to camp! Less than 20 days before your camper: Sees the Towering Pines Sign Finds out who will be in his cabin Makes new friends for the summer Tastes their favorite meal (Jambalaya is already set on the menu) Swims in one of most beautiful lakes in Northern Wisconsin Sets out on the adventure of a lifetime But before all that happens, we wanted to introduce a new staff member. We are pleased […]