Monthly Archives:September 2022

Our camp community . . . becomes a camp family!

There is a major focus at camp on creating a community and building relationships as well as systems within this camp community.  As we work together, play together, eat together and live together, this camp community truly becomes a family.  It seems very fitting that as we begin to feature a cabin each month in the off season, we do so on “National Family Day.” We have core values that provide the framework for everything we do at camp.  Community […]

Chicken Soup for the Camp Soul

You may be familiar with the series of books called “Chicken Soup for the Soul.”  There are a variety of different versions of “Chicken Soup for the Soul” with many unique and heartfelt stories.  Their vision is “Positive, Uplifting, Real — These are the stories we tell.”  As I sat at banquet at the end of camp this summer, I actually heard a spectacular story that could be called “Chicken Soup for the Camp Soul!”  It truly resonated with me, […]