Monthly Archives:January 2022

We HEART our campers – GRAB Your PHOTO!

Posted by on January 30, 2022

We are busting in excitement for one of our favorite camp holidays. This Tuesday, February 1, 2022 is National I Heart Camp Day! Help us spread the word on the importance of summer camp. Remember all those funny pictures we took of you with the “I heart Camp ” Poster over many summers? Well, This Tuesday,  Towering Pines campers, parents, alumni and staff are encouraged to post their ” I heart Camp” photo as their Facebook Profile.  Also keep a look […]

Cabin 7 . . . Taking the Time to Grow at Camp!!

Happy 2022 to all of you!!  With the beginning of a new year, it seems like there is usually talk about resolutions and taking huge steps to improve oneself.  Setting goals and having aspirations can be a wonderful and healthy way to start something new. However, what these high expectations do to me is to create apprehension and the tendency to creep reluctantly into a new year.  I have been reflecting a lot on this and why I tend to […]