Monthly Archives:October 2019

Cabin 5 . . . Growing in Confidence!!

I recently published a blog called “Nature abounds and surrounds at Towering Pines . . .”  which is about the significance of nature at TP and how this is woven into the very fabric of our camp traditions and culture.  This blog also mentioned that Cabin 5, Mohawk, typically gives the last vespers of the summer at camp.  Traditionally, at this time, Mohawk discusses the value of nature and what it provides to us at camp as well as the […]

Nature abounds and surrounds at Towering Pines . . .

Autumn has gradually taken over the warm summer days in our Northwoods home.  There is great beauty right now in the gorgeous fall colors, and many changes are happening in the forest.  We are so incredibly fortunate to spend our summers living in the Northwoods where nature is such an integral part of our daily lives. I believe that it’s important to celebrate this gift and acknowledge it’s significance at camp.   Our boys have a plethora of opportunities to […]