Monthly Archives:April 2018
Kids Need Camp Now More Than Ever
When you envision your young person 10-15-20 years from now, what comes to mind? What characteristics or qualities do you want your son to have? My guess is that strong, independent, confident, high self- esteem, resilient, kind, caring, responsible, trustworthy, collaborative, and a sense of purpose would be high on the list for just about any parent. Have you thought about how your son will acquire the qualities you wish him to have as an adult? I recently attended a session […]
Happy April from Cabin 8!
No jokin’ around with these TP guys dressed for April Fool’s Day! Here is a little more about the 2017 campers from Winnebago: What was the highlight of your summer? Bryce: Passing my Black Archer and getting better at archery. Alex: Having a cool cabin. Ethan: Winning my first sail race. Ray: Becoming way more social and becoming a better person. Perry: Spoon assassins. Santiago: I had a great time this summer because of the activities; I liked spoon assassins […]