Monthly Archives:July 2017

Camp TP . . . a balance of the old and the new

One of my favorite parts of camp is that for a seasoned camper or camp alum, when you arrive back, it feels like coming home. That initial drive back down TP Road is like a memory walk of the senses.  The sights and sounds of camp are familiar and comforting, and memories of good times shared flood the mind and heart. On the other hand, for a new camper, driving down TP Road can stir up a very different set […]

Community Values

Allow me to wish you a late Happy Fourth of July! Significant not just for our country, but for the campers, too, Fourth of July is when our brother and sister camps get together for a special campfire. This event reminds us of the importance of building and preserving not only camp traditions, but also in promoting a sense of community! Week two was, indeed, community week at camp, so forgive me while I reflect on it for a little […]

Make a Scene

Oh, how the time flies! It seems like just yesterday we were saying farewell to the last season, and here we are again. I’ve been up north for three weeks, one of which marks the first week of session one. The boys are all here (with the exception of some late arrivers) and things are rolling right along. The staff spent all of last week getting camp put together for the new summer and a new group of campers. The […]