Towering Pines Blog

Working at Camp is a ‘Real’ Job!

Working at Camp is a ‘Real’ Job!

Now that 2018 is in full swing and summer only a few months away, it is time to start thinking about plans for the upcoming camp season!  For those of you who are trying to make camp a reality for this summer (and sell your parents on the idea), here are 10 great reasons why working at Towering Pines is a REAL JOB (and a whole lot of fun, too)!


Is learned in a real-life context (not made-up or contrived!).  Supervising between 7-15 others, engaging in decision-making, behavior management, and living ethics—all necessary leadership skills for today.

21st Century Skills

Communication, Collaboration, Critical Thinking, Creativity, and Contribution that are critical for success in today’s world are developed and practiced at camp; they are skills and traits that can draw employers’ attention to your resume.

Networking Opportunities

Other staff and connections to camp alumni can provide a link to possible internships or future job opportunities in a variety of careers.

Letters of Recommendation

Camp directors/leaders write great letters of recommendation because they take the time to get to know you as an individual and see you in action on a daily basis.

Diverse & Global Experience

Towering Pines provides a global experience without the expense of long distance travel; campers and staff are from a variety of places and cultural perspectives from around the US and world.

Professional Development

Ongoing professional development sets you up to learn about your job while building a strong team with the people you will be working with and offers support all throughout the summer.

Training & Certifications

You get to keep any additional training you may acquire (like CPR, first aid, and activity specialist certifications) that may also help you land a job at home or school working in a wide range of settings.

College Credit or Internship

You may be eligible for college credit in some cases or able to use camp as an independent study, practicum, or internship experience – ask your advisor or talk to a professor at your school about how the skills you will learn directly relate to your major and will make you a stronger job candidate.

Room & Board

Housing, meals, laundry, utilities, and other living expenses are covered which means extra $$ in your pocket at the end of the camp season when returning to school (or looking for a job)


You get paid a base salary with add-ons for experience, certifications, leadership roles, extra duties, etc. (a summer at camp is a great way to save most of your earnings!)