Towering Pines Blog
Reunion Rap #2 2017
What is your favorite thing about school this year?
Mitchell: Math and recess
Gabe: Hanging out with friends
Alex: Spending time with my friends
Ray: More freedom as an 8th grader and more things to do
Ben: Being at New Trier
Jake: English class
What activities do you participate in or what do you like to do when you are not in school?
Mitchell: Soccer and will soon join baseball
Gabe: Swimming, soccer with friends
Alex: I enjoy hanging out with my friends
Ray: Tennis, basketball, and guitar
Ben: Tennis and Drivers Ed
Jake: Lacrosse
What is something you learned at TP that has been helpful to you at home or school?
Mitchell: I improved soccer at TP
Gabe: Spanish is a cool language
Alex: Arts and crafts
Ray: Being respectful and to work hard
Ben: How to tread water
Jake: How to deal with kids