Towering Pines Blog
Lending a Helping Hand
It’s easy to get caught up in our own world. Sometimes we overlook things that we see on a daily basis, and we may even take these for granted. This can be true too for the people around us, especially those who provide services that we rely upon and are crucial to our daily needs. Each evening during the first four weeks of camp after snack , the CITs (counselors in training) have a CIT hour. During this time they […]
Meaningful Growth Takes Time
In a world where everything seems to be moving faster and faster, at Towering Pines we believe in taking time for meaningful growth. Growth is most easily seen in activities. A camper may step on a sailboat for the first time on day one of activities and be skippering that same boat 3 weeks later. Archery’s most coveted rank (Golden Archer) can take many summers to achieve but can only be accomplished one round at a time. The same can […]
Wings to Fly . . .
Talk about soaring free! The past few days we have had the “great honor and privilege” to catch glimpses of a juvenile bald eagle learning to fly. To say it’s a breathtaking experience doesn’t even begin to do it justice. This beautiful creature has been checking out the many visitors (campers and staff) who have come to dwell in his birthplace, the trees of the northwoods at Towering Pines Camp for Boys. He’s reminding us to continue to soar free […]
Finding comfort in your own shell . . .
“World Turtle Day” was last week, and so I spent some time delving through photos of turtles that have blessed our presence at Towering Pines (TP). Two of our core values at TP are “respect” and “responsibility” which include consideration of others and the environment. This includes all of the aspects of nature that are a part of the northwoods in our summer home. We want the boys to have as many opportunities as possible to explore and experience the […]
Wake up! It’s time to open the doors . . .
I recently traveled to Brooklyn, New York, to help direct the NYCRUNS Brooklyn Half Marathon. You might think this was about as far away from camp as you can get, but actually . . . it was much closer to home than you’d ever fathom. After addressing extreme logistics so that thousands of runners could infiltrate the streets of Brooklyn safely, I was positioned at an intersection as a “wayfinder” where I was accessible in case of emergency. This was […]