Towering Pines Blog
Happy Thanksgiving from Cabin 11!
Best Moments from Cabin 11:
What is one moment at camp you will never forget?
Alejandro: Passing to standing in riflery
Cristobal: Learning to do a 360 in trick-ski for the very first time
Iker: Scoring my first goal in 6th period soccer
Alec: When I finally learned how to dive
George: Catching a lot of fish
Trevor: The 1st day of camp when I met everyone and instantly became friends
Rainer: My time on the archery range
Sebastian (CIT): Practicing Co-Ed Show with my friends
What is something adventurous you did this summer?
Alejandro: Going out to see the stars
Cristobal: Trip canoeing to a camp site
Iker: Taking the penalty kick against Red Arrow
Alec: Clearing the riding trails of branches after the storm
George: Going to the Red Arrow trap exchange and shooting
Trevor: Going on the canoe trip to Stone Lake
Rainer: Catching frogs
Sebastian (CIT): Going to the trap competition
For what achievement are you most proud?
Alejandro: Jumping the wake on 2 skis or doing the “helicopter” on trick skis
Cristobal: My trick ski skills and advancing 7 ranks in riflery
Iker: Being a good player in soccer
Alec: I earned my red shirt in riding
George: Getting to 40’s sitting in riflery
Trevor: Progressing through riding and how I didn’t know how to do anything on a horse, and now I know lots
Rainer: Passing to 30 yards in archery
Sebastian (CIT): Shooting 14 out of 20 in the trap competition and getting 1st place in Olympics
What did you learn most about yourself?
Alejandro: If I am determined to do something, I can
Cristobal: You can always have a positive attitude and you can accomplish anything if you want to
Iker: I’m good at defense in everything
Alec: I have a nice attitude towards others
George: How your attitude can affect things positively or negatively
Trevor: I love being outside with animals and around nature
Rainer: Don’t pay attention to mean people
Sebastian (CIT): Never give up