Towering Pines Blog

Back to School with Cabin 4


I think it is safe to say that by now everyone is “back to school”!  As much as we would like to stretch out summer as much as possible, somehow those lazy days quickly turn to carpools, backpacks, homework, extracurricular activities, and counting the days until camp begins once again!

Throughout the upcoming year, each month will have a blog that is “sponsored” by a different Towering Pines cabin from the Summer of 2016.  Each camper wrote his “best moments at camp”…here is a little more about Cabin 4 (Huron)!

What is one moment at camp you will never forget?:

Luke: Horse Show and Co-Ed Show

Paul: 4th of July fireworks – they were AMAZING!

Chris: tie-dye

Craig: meeting all of my new friends at camp

Isaac: the 4th week campfire, TP Fair, and catches of the day

Manuel: TP and Woodland Fairs because you can splash other people

Mitchell (CIT): I won’t forget any moment at camp this year – I never do!

Alvaro (CIT): doing activities with my friends and practicing for Co-Ed Show

Cabin 4

Something adventurous you did this summer:

Luke: I found a class B deer bone

Paul: I cantered on a horse even though I was not so great at it

Chris: I went to Bond Falls – it was AMAZING!

Craig: going on our cabin canoe trip – it was AWESOME!

Isaac: going to the Moss Garden

Manuel: seeing the log cabin in skin diving

Mitchell (CIT): clearing brush with Jerry and Alex and taking the Gator out on the trails

Alvaro (CIT): going to Bond Falls and on our canoe trip


Describe an achievement for which you are most proud:

Luke: passing 4 levels in archery

Paul: I got cabin chief – I had no idea that I would be chief and I am very proud of it!

Chris: passing 10 yards in archery and advancing to level 4 in swimming

Craig: learning how to trot and canter in riding

Isaac: cantering in riding and getting “Rider of the Week”

Manuel: passing out of instructional swim

Mitchell (CIT): when Jerry told me that I am living up to the “belt buckle” he gave me last year

Alvaro (CIT): I advanced to standing in riflery


The thing I learned the most about myself:

Luke: I am good at writing

Paul: I can start arguments and stop arguments; both are good to know

Chris: I am great at Casino

Craig: I absolutely LOVE riding!

Isaac: I like creating things

Manuel: I like skin diving a lot!

Mitchell (CIT): when I put my mind to it, I can get a lot of work done

Alvaro (CIT): never give up and try harder