Towering Pines Blog
A new year to look forward to!
Holy cow! Where did the season go? I’m sure, like me, you have all been busy wrapping up the old year and ringing in the new. Between school and family, I hardly even realized that the first month of 2019 has almost come and gone. But, as soon as I think about the rapid passage of time, I’m again reminded that camp is just around the corner! Soon, oh so soon, it will be summer again and we will all be feeling those fresh breezes blowing off Nokomis and through the towering pines. I’d say I can’t wait, but frankly I always feel that way about getting back to camp, and I’ve learned to be patient (well, more patient…).
In keeping with the traditions of previous posts, I’m going to share some of the words of wisdom from our guys, but for the material today I’d like to hear what was said at the camp reunion! The annual camp reunion was held back in November and I thought maybe you all would like to hear some more recent reflections on how last summer went as we gear up for summer 2019!
Lucas H-S: Wants his counselors to know that summer 2018 has inspired his art career and he is looking forward to lots of arts and crafts next year! Here’s a sample of his work that he supplied.
Julian H-S: Wrote a report about the Apache tribe in school and thinks that 2019 is going to be a great year! He also reports that his friends back home can’t believe that he’s tried riflery at camp.
Furthermore, Julian offered a political cartoon regarding the deterioration of the Fair Day clown contest in some art work of his own…

Don’t worry, Julian. You aren’t the only one baffled by the trends of modern clown contests…or are they post-modern?
Colin M: Wants his counselors to know that he is looking forward to camp next summer. In fact, the one word he would use to describe the TP experience is “Awesome!”
Calvin F: Also described camp with the word “awesome.” And when thinking about next summer, he issued the message, “you control your own destiny.”
Nolan B: Wants to tell his counselors that he misses fishing! He is also looking forward to coming back and improving in archery next year.
Aiden E: Reflected on discovering new skills through all the different activities to try at camp.
Ben K: Mentioned how camp has taught him to get along with a lot of people at the same time, and he tries to share that feeling of community with people who have never been to camp before.
Thomas K: Reported that sailing is something he learned at camp and can’t do elsewhere. He misses camp and knows that he will have a great time again next year!
George M: Is excited for the activities, adventures, and making new friends next summer!
Ray D: When asked about something he learned at TP that helped him at home or school he replied, “Hard work at something really pays off, I push my body and do my best in school and I succeed.”
Henry M: Is excited for frontier day next year and sent special birthday wishes to counselor Michael C.
Needless to say, the reunion was a huge success and it was great to see all those shining faces again. Now that I’m sitting here in the middle of the polar vortex (as many of you are!) those memories of camp keep me all the warmer. It’s hard to imagine that in a mere 6 months I’ll be back up there tending my garden and getting camp ready for campers, once again! Of course, the efforts to make camp even better and more awesome never really stop. I can assure you that your camp administrators are working tirelessly behind the scenes to bring new and exciting experiences for 2019, while keeping the traditions alive.
Here’s thinking of those warm summer days!