Monthly Archives:May 2013
Welcome Back Bill Gonio!
We are posting Bill’s story on his behalf…Bill will be writing all about camp this summer: The summer of 2013 will be my 8th summer at Towering Pines, and I’m thrilled to be heading back to the Northwoods to work with the Jordan Family again! I was originally hired by Pa Jordan in 1985 as a cabin counselor & lifeguard. I’ve since worked for John and Jeff Jordan – during the infrequent summers my life has allowed — in archery, […]
All we can be in 1-3
Well, friends, the camp season will soon be upon us. This is a good thing. Each year goes by quicker than the one before it, but I find the summers to be weirdly consistent (in a good way). I find that seeing old friends, making new ones, and just smelling the northwoods every June brings peace and reality to my life. Camp is a sort of measuring mark by which I can keep perspective, and it brings out the best […]
Towering Pines Got a New Look!
We are pleased to announce our new Camp Websites! The Team at Camp Woodland for Girls and Towering Pines for Boys have worked endless hours to launch before the summer. Take a few minutes and click on a few of our newest features below: New Blog Site The Towering Pines Times looks different but it still has all the great posts we have written over the years. Our blog is a fun way of keeping up with all the camp […]