Towering Pines Blog

You Helped Me Fuel My Own Growth

Posted by on June 28, 2016

Andoni is back as counselor for one more summer!

Throughout the summer our Alumni will be blogging about Jeff’s Dad, Mr. John Jordan.  Mr. Jordan will always be a legend in our hearts and you will find out why!


Your family has changed many lives and over the course of 70 years, your family’s ideals have stood as strong as the towering pines that hover over the same pristine land. My parents saw the value in the richness of the camp’s roots the second you met them and 20 years later, I still see why they sent us to camp.  

No matter where life takes my camp brothers and I, we will always hold onto those summers spent at camp and everything you taught us while there. You let us be boys while having faith that one day, we would become our own man. You helped me fuel my own growth and led me to believe that, every summer I was coming home a better and more compassionate person than the year prior – without a doubt something I have felt nowhere else. As you once said, “if you treat someone for who he is, he will continue to be who he is. But if you treat someone as he could be and should be, he will become just that.” 

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Andoni & his brothers -Camp Family for over 20 years!

Thank you for giving me a chance to become “just that”!

15th Summer at Towering Pines