Towering Pines Blog

Happy New Year from Menominee Cabin!


Best Moments from Cabin 3 (Menominee):

What is one moment at camp you will never forget?

Patricio: The first time I go up on the kneeboard.

Joel: Going to the Moss Garden.

Pablo: When I caught the snakes for Zoo and put them in my terrarium.

Thomas: Getting assigned my Pirate name, Krakenbait!  Arrrrrrrr!

George: Our cabin canoe trip; the food was really good, and it was fun being out in the woods.

Hudson: When I caught 4 fish on the canoe trip and during a fishing workshop.

Giacomo: Having s’mores on the camping trip with my cabin.

Ethan (CIT): Getting my red shirt after being on barn crew and advanced riding.

Cabin 3

What is something adventurous you did this summer?

Patricio: Going on a cool hike through Woodland’s Climax Forest and catching a snake.

Joel: Going on the canoe trip with our cabin.

Pablo: Taking a hike to the Moss Garden.

Thomas: Taking out the Hobie on a windy day.

George: Going to Bond Falls on Adventure Day.

Hudson: Going on the canoe trip and taking a hike in the woods.

Giacomo: Going kayaking for cabin activities.

Ethan (CIT): Riding bareback.


Describe an achievement for which you are most proud:

Patricio: Being the last man standing and winner of the Spoon Game.

Joel: Getting Chief of the Day.

Pablo: Getting Chief of the Day.

Thomas: Getting my pirate name on Pirate’s Day.

George: Getting selected to be Cabin Chief.

Hudson: Getting qualifiers.

Giacomo: I got to move to 20 yards in archery.

Ethan (CIT): Passing my Crew in sailing by making a mooring, describing parts of a boat, and doing the “man overboard” drill.


Something I learned about myself:

Patricio: That I can push myself harder than I thought.

Joel: That I can learn to speak English.

Pablo: That I am a really creative person.

Thomas: That I am really good at sailing, and I really love it.

George: I love camping!

Hudson: That I am good at catching fish.

Giacomo: I am good at archery.

Ethan (CIT): I like to windsurf a lot, especially on windy days when it can be challenging.
