Monthly Archives:November 2016

Happy Thanksgiving from Cabin 11!

Best Moments from Cabin 11: What is one moment at camp you will never forget? Alejandro: Passing to standing in riflery Cristobal: Learning to do a 360 in trick-ski for the very first time Iker: Scoring my first goal in 6th period soccer Alec: When I finally learned how to dive George: Catching a lot of fish Trevor: The 1st day of camp when I met everyone and instantly became friends Rainer: My time on the archery range Sebastian (CIT): Practicing Co-Ed Show with my friends […]

Choose Towering Pines Camp!

I’m sure it goes without saying that you have seen your share of political ads over the past several weeks and months. More than likely, these ads are telling you something about the choices you should make on November 8th.  So, instead of advising you who to vote for, we would like to give you a better choice this year. We want you to CHOOSE CAMP! Here at Camp Towering Pines, we actually care about the thing that most politicians […]